Club By-Laws

Inland Empire GTO Club By-Laws


Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Inland Empire GTO Club.  IEGTO Club is also a recognized name for the Inland Empire GTO Club.  For the purposes of this document the “Club” is recognized as referring to the Inland Empire GTO Club.

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to promote the preservation, enjoyment and restoration of the Pontiac GTO, and to educate both public and legislative bodies at all levels of these cars’ extraordinary contributions to the world’s automotive, social and industrial history.

Article III – Membership

A.  Membership in this organization shall be open to any automotive enthusiast.  GTO ownership is not a prerequisite.

B.  New applicant must fill out an application and submit it with the required dues.  The application may be submitted electronically through the Club website or included with the dues payment sent to the current address at the bottom of the application form.  Applicant is accepted as a Club member when both the application and dues are received by the Club treasurer.

C.  Full Club Membership – Must be a legal adult (i.e. 18 years old), pay full dues, and attend as many monthly meetings, club events, and activities as possible.  A full member may vote in local officer elections and vote for By-laws amendments if present at the monthly meeting when a vote is called. The Inland Empire GTO Club is a family club, and in keeping with the family unit, there shall be only one vote per household regardless of the number of paid IEGTO Club members within an immediate family.  Siblings and relatives outside of the immediate family household that pay for full club membership are considered a separate household.

D.  Associate Club Membership – Associate members are limited to out-of-state members or local members under the age of 18 years old that join without a parent being a member.  Associate members pay half-price dues and cannot vote for Officers or amendments to the Bylaws.

E.  Surviving Spouse Membership – Applies to families that the primary member has passed away. The Surviving Spouse may remain as a non-paying member until such time as they wish to become a Full Club Member again or decide to drop their association with the Club. They may participate in all Club activities, but are not permitted to vote at Club Business Meetings.

F.  Honorary Membership – Prospective Honorary Members shall be nominated and approved by the general membership during a regular Club meeting. Honorary Members should be members of our automotive community who have been long standing promoters, enthusiasts, and supporters of our Club. They may participate in all Club activities, but do not have a vote at Club Business Meetings.

G.  Member for Life – This designation is bestowed on Dil Brandow to honor his founding the Inland Empire GTO Club.  The Member for Life is exempt from paying yearly dues and enjoys all the benefits of a full club membership.

H.  Any Club member who regularly commits unsafe driving acts or whose personal conduct is otherwise detrimental to the purposes and reputation of the Club may be suspended or expelled from membership in the Club.  Suspension or expulsion must be accepted by a majority vote of the members present at a regular monthly business meeting. Prior to any suspension or expulsion hearing, the person in question shall be notified by letter of the date, time and items to be considered at the intended hearing.

I.  Membership resignation is non-revocable whether verbal or in writing and is valid for a period of one calendar year from the date of said resignation.

Article IV – Dues

A.  Amount of the yearly dues is $20.00 for a Full Member and $10.00 for an Associate Member.

B.  Annual nonrefundable dues for continuing members shall be due and collected at the first business meeting in July of each year.  Members not paying dues at that meeting will be sent an email to remind them of their commitment.  Dues not paid by August 15 shall be considered delinquent and said members shall be dropped from membership and the email roster.

C.  New members joining after April 1st of any given Year shall have their dues apply to the following year also.

Article V – Officers

A.  The officers of this organization and their order of command shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

B.  No officer shall be eligible for the same office for more than two consecutive terms or hold more than one elected office during the membership calendar year.

C.  The four (4) officers must be in good standing with the Club during their entire term in office.

D.  The terms of all officers shall run concurrently with the membership calendar year from July 1st to June 30th.

E.  In the event the President is unable to complete the term of office, the Vice-President shall become president for the remainder of the term.

F.  A vacant officer position other than the President will be filled by the President appointing an interim officer.  The new officer will hold that position for the remainder of the term after confirmation by a majority vote at the next general membership meeting.

G.  All officers should attend and arrive at monthly membership meetings at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of said meeting.

Article VI – Elections

A.  Nominations for Officers shall open at the May membership meeting.

B.  Voting shall take place at the June membership meeting.

C.  Installation of new Officers shall be effective at the July membership meeting.

Article VII – Duties of the Elected Officers

A.  The duties of the President shall be:
1.  To serve as Chairperson at all meetings and provide continuity and coordination to all functions. To act as Master of Ceremonies during festivities, presentations, etc. Must keep meetings orderly and on point to accomplish Club business in a timely fashion. Appoint committees as necessary, and be an ex-officio member of said committees. Duties include coordinating the Officers and Committees to ensure that the goals of the Club are met.
2.  To assist all other officers of the club in their records, correspondence and other duties.
3.  To vote only when one vote is necessary to break a tie.
4.  To provide copies of all Club-related correspondence, addressed to the President and/or to the Club Secretary and report on them at the membership meeting.

B.  The duties of the Vice President shall be:
1.  To perform the duties of the President in his or her absence.
2.  Act as the Club Activities Coordinator, and assign co-chairs and committees when deemed necessary.
3.  Assist the Secretary when necessary.
4.  Provide copies of all Club-related correspondence, addressed to the vice-president to the club secretary, and report on them at the membership meeting.

C.  The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
1.  To keep accurate records of all Club financial transactions.
2.  To collect all monies due the Club.
3.  To schedule payments from the Club fund when so ordered by the Club.
4.  To prepare and deliver a current statement of Club treasury activity at every monthly membership meeting including the checkbook, check register, bank statement, and all receipts received since the last report.  Such statement shall also include the number of paid memberships, full and associate.
5.  To attend all monthly membership meetings.
6.  To provide copies of all Club-related correspondence addressed to the Treasurer to the Club Secretary and report on them at the membership meeting.
7.  To turn over to an independent Auditor all checking account ledgers, bank statements and any other pertinent documents necessary for the completion of an audit of the Club’s financial transactions and records. This official audit shall be performed once a year. The audit shall be after the July business meeting and before the August business meeting.

D.  The duties of the Secretary shall be:
1.  To attend and record the minutes of all monthly membership meetings, including a record of attendance.
2.  To handle and maintain a file of reports and Club correspondence.
3.  To handle all Club correspondence.
4.  To notify all members of special meetings.
5.  To produce the minutes of the previous month’s membership meeting for approval by the attending members.
6.  To electronically transmit approved minutes to the membership.
7.  To provide a current membership roster to all members annually.

Article VIII – Quorums

A.  A quorum to conduct business at any Officers meeting shall be deemed to be no less than three Officers in attendance.

B.  A quorum to conduct business at any general membership meeting shall be deemed to be no less than fifteen percent (15%) of members in attendance holding full membership status.

Article IX – Expenditures

A.  All expenditures must be approved by the membership.  Reimbursement will be by check at the next monthly membership meeting.  An itemized receipt shall be required for all reimbursements. Exception to this rule is when an event is sponsored by a previous majority vote of members where the reimbursement may be made immediately at such event (such as a club dinner or car show).

B.  A minimum balance of $3,500 must be maintained at all times in the club account, and any expenditure that would reduce the balance below that minimum is prohibited.

Article X – Meetings

The regular meeting of the Club shall be held monthly at a convenient time and a place that is centrally located between all local members.  A standardized meeting place and time is essential for members and guests to feel confident where the meeting is held. The President may call a special meeting at any time by notifying the Secretary to contact members of the time and place.

Article XI – Changes to By-Laws

A.  A minimum thirty day (30) written notification to all current members must precede a vote on any proposed changes to the By-laws.

B.  These By-laws may be amended, adopted or repealed by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at any regular membership meeting after the notification period specified above.

Article XII – Dissolution

A.  In the event the number of voting members becomes ten or less, the remaining members may, by majority vote, dissolve the Club.

B.  The assets of the Club shall be distributed as determined by a two-thirds majority of the remaining members after all outstanding debts have been paid. The assets may not benefit anyone associated with the organization.